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THE rugged blends

Experience the difference that our scientifically backed bespoke blends can make to your performance mentally and physically.  


 Focus | Stress | Immunity| Energy

    Introducing "The Brain Booster" – a revolutionary drink blend designed to elevate your cognitive function, enhance your focus, and boost your energy. Mix this potent blend of functional mushrooms, including Lion's Mane, Cordyceps, and Reishi into your favourite coffee or beverage. Accompanied with the richness of Cacao, with each sip enjoy heightened mental clarity, empowering you to tackle the day with enhanced productivity and well-being.







Lions mane









Organic Lions Mane, Organic Cordyceps, Organic Reishi, Cacao, Cinnamon 


What are functional mushrooms 


"Curious about functional mushrooms? These fungi are renowned for their health-boosting properties, extending beyond mere nutrition. Each mushroom offers unique benefits. Our products feature a selection of five distinct functional mushrooms: Tremella, Lion's Mane, Cordyceps, Chaga, and Reishi, each with its own set of remarkable qualities."


Discover the transformative power of functional mushrooms, proven to enhance your overall health, elevate your well-being, and enrich your lifestyle with daily consumption. 


Elevate your routine effortlessly by simply adding to hot water, blending into your coffee, or mixing into your favorite shake. 


Harness the unique benefits functional mushrooms,


The Brain Booster is a blend consisting of 3 functional mushrooms along with Cacao & Cinnamon 


Lion's Mane 

Lion's Mane mushroom has garnered attention for its potential nootropic benefits, which are cognitive-enhancing effects. Scientific studies suggest that compounds found in Lion's Mane, such as hericenones and erinacines, may promote nerve growth factor (NGF) production in the brain. NGF is crucial for the growth, maintenance, and survival of nerve cells, potentially leading to improved cognitive function, memory, and overall brain health.


 1.Cognitive enhancement: Lion’s Mane contains compounds like hericenones and erinacines, which have been studied for their potential to promote nerve growth factor (NGF) production in the brain. NGF is crucial for the growth, maintenance, and survival of nerve cells, leading to improved cognitive function, memory, and overall brain health.


 2.Neuroprotection: The bioactive compounds in Lion’s Mane possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which may help protect brain cells from oxidative stress and inflammation. This neuroprotective effect may help prevent age-related cognitive decline and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.


 3.Mood regulation: Some studies suggest that Lion’s Mane may have antidepressant and anxiolytic effects, potentially due to its ability to modulate neurotransmitter levels and support the production of neurotrophic factors. Regular consumption of Lion’s Mane may help improve mood, reduce anxiety, and promote emotional well-being.


 4.Digestive health: Lion’s Mane contains polysaccharides and other compounds that have been shown to support digestive health by promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and reducing inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. This may help alleviate symptoms of digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and improve overall gut health.


 5.Immune support: Lion’s Mane contains bioactive compounds that have been shown to enhance immune function by stimulating the production of immune cells and supporting immune system activity. Regular consumption of Lion’s Mane may help strengthen the body’s natural defenses against infections and diseases.




Cordyceps is a type of medicinal mushroom renowned for its potential benefits, including both cognitive enhancement and athletic performance support. Scientific studies suggest that Cordyceps contains compounds like cordycepin, adenosine, and polysaccharides, which may enhance oxygen utilization, ATP production, and energy metabolism in the body.


  1.Enhanced athletic performance: Cordyceps has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine to improve stamina, endurance, and physical performance. Scientific research suggests that Cordyceps may enhance oxygen utilization, ATP production, and energy metabolism in the body, leading to increased stamina, improved exercise performance, and faster recovery times.


  2.Respiratory health: Cordyceps contains bioactive compounds that have been shown to support respiratory function and lung health. It may help improve symptoms of respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) by promoting bronchodilation, reducing inflammation, and enhancing lung capacity.


  3.Immune support: Cordyceps contains polysaccharides and other compounds that have immunomodulatory properties, meaning they can help regulate and strengthen the immune system. Regular consumption of Cordyceps may help enhance immune function, increase resistance to infections, and promote overall health and vitality.


  4.Anti-inflammatory effects: Cordyceps contains bioactive compounds with potent anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce inflammation throughout the body. Chronic inflammation is linked to various health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders. Incorporating Cordyceps into your diet may help mitigate inflammation and support overall health.


  5.Adaptogenic properties: Cordyceps is considered an adaptogen, meaning it helps the body adapt to stress and maintain homeostasis. It may help reduce the negative effects of physical, mental, and emotional stressors by supporting adrenal function, balancing hormone levels, and promoting a sense of calm and well-being.




Reishi mushroom, scientifically known as Ganoderma lucidum, is renowned for its potential health benefits, particularly in combating stress and promoting overall well-being. 



 1.Stress reduction and relaxation: Reishi is renowned for its adaptogenic properties, which help the body cope with physical, mental, and emotional stressors. It contains bioactive compounds such as triterpenes and polysaccharides, which have calming and relaxing effects on the nervous system. Regular consumption of Reishi may help promote a sense of calm, reduce anxiety, and improve overall stress management.


  2.Immune support: Reishi contains polysaccharides and other compounds that have immunomodulatory properties, meaning they can help regulate and strengthen the immune system. Reishi stimulates the production of immune cells, enhances immune function, and increases resistance to infections and diseases.


  3.Anti-inflammatory effects: Reishi contains triterpenes and other bioactive compounds with potent anti-inflammatory properties. Chronic inflammation is linked to various health conditions, including heart disease, arthritis, and autoimmune disorders. Incorporating Reishi into your diet may help reduce inflammation and support overall health.


  4.Liver protection: Reishi has hepatoprotective properties, meaning it helps protect the liver from damage and supports liver function. It contains antioxidants and other bioactive compounds that help detoxify the liver, reduce oxidative stress, and promote liver regeneration. Regular consumption of Reishi may help improve liver health and reduce the risk of liver diseases.


  5.Sleep improvement: Reishi has been traditionally used as a natural remedy for improving sleep quality and duration. Its calming and relaxing effects on the nervous system may help promote restful sleep, reduce insomnia, and improve overall sleep patterns. Incorporating Reishi into your bedtime routine may help you achieve a more restorative and rejuvenating sleep.



Cacao is a versatile superfood with a range of health benefits, from improving mood and cardiovascular health to supporting brain function and providing essential nutrients. Adding cacao to your diet in the form of dark chocolate, raw cacao powder, or cacao nibs can be a delicious and nutritious way to boost your well-being.


1. Mood enhancement: Cacao contains compounds that stimulate the release of endorphins and serotonin in the brain, which are neurotransmitters associated with feelings of happiness and well-being. Consuming cacao can uplift mood and promote a sense of relaxation and contentment.


2. Antioxidant properties: Cacao is rich in flavonoids, particularly flavanols, which have potent antioxidant effects. These antioxidants help protect cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and promoting overall health.


3. Cardiovascular health: The flavonoids in cacao have been linked to improved cardiovascular health by supporting healthy blood flow, reducing inflammation, and lowering blood pressure. Regular consumption of cacao may help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.


4. Brain health: Cacao contains flavonoids that may support cognitive function and protect against age-related decline in brain health. These compounds have been shown to improve memory, learning, and overall brain function, promoting optimal cognitive performance.


5. Mineral content: Cacao is a good source of essential minerals such as magnesium, iron, and potassium. These minerals play vital roles in various bodily functions, including muscle function, energy production, and nerve signaling. Incorporating cacao into your diet can help meet your daily nutrient needs and support overall health.





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